About me

My name is Konstantinos Alexandridis and I am a PhD graduate from King's College London, working in Computer Vision research. My academic supervisors were Dr Shan Luo and Dr Anh Nguyen and my thesis was about long-tailed image classification, object detection and instance segmentation. I did my masters in Electrical and Computer Engineering at Democritus University of Thrace. My academic interests are in computer vision and machine learning.

In my free time, I like playing chess, going to art galleries, playing board games, listening to music and doing sports. I also enjoy reading about the newest technologies, space, engineering and politics.

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PhD Research

My PhD was on imbalanced image recognition. In imbalanced image recognition, data are not balanced or curated because they are gathered in large volumes and annotation of all object instances is intractable. In this scenario, the data may be long-tailed, which means that there may be objects that appear frequently in the dataset while there may be other that are unique and do not appear frequently. Under this realistic scenario, models trained with imbalanced data may have good performance in identifying the frequent objects of the dataset but they may fail to identify rare objects. My reseach aims to develop methods that tackle the long tailed recognition problem, so that the models can have better performance in detecting and recognising all the objects in the dataset.

I also serve as a reviewer for CVPR, ICCV and ECCV since 2022.

Example of Object Detection

My Projects

  • Inverse Image Frequency for Long-tailed Image Recognition - Accepted in IEEE Transactions in Image Processing 2023 IEEE ArxivCode
  • Long tailed Instance Segmentation using Gumbel Optimised Loss - Accepted in ECCV2022 VideoPosterArxivCode
  • Using Extreme Value Distribution for Long tailed detection - Poster in the Student Session AIUK 2022 Poster
  • Scalable Voting Classifier based on Genetic Algorithms-Siemens AI Challenge Technical Report Code
  • Team UoL HPC-CIUK2020 HPC Cluster CompetitionWebsite
  • Contact

    You can reach me either by email at alex.kostas@gmail.com or connect with me on Github or Linkedin. If you also like chess you can challenge me on lichess